Love Inspired Historicals discussion

A Cabin in the Woods? A Ranch House in Wyoming? A Castle In France?

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message 1: by Lyn (new)

Lyn (lyncote) | 1644 comments Mod
What type of home in history would you or or wouldn't you have liked to live in?

message 2: by JanetTronstad (new)

JanetTronstad Author Tronstad | 2759 comments Mod
Without any conside3ration to practicality, I'd take a castle in France (I know, cold and drafty, but oh, how exciting). I'd hold big balls and quiet teas (wait, that's English -- hummm, what did the French do for daytime meetings?).

message 3: by Hannah (new)

Hannah Alexander (hannahalexander) | 59 comments I'd love a ranch house in Wyoming--but only during warm months. Then I'd want the cabin in the woods--but not in the deep woods. I love wide open spaces and lots of wilderness, but from research into history, I've seen how dangerous the forests were 150 years ago, and all the hardships women had to endure. Wow. I love living in the years post discovery of penicillin.

message 4: by Ausjenny (new)

Ausjenny | 4959 comments I dont want to live in a sod house.
Im not sure I think a ranch house would be nice but then a cabin in the woods near a lake would be cool too. Not really a castle person.

message 5: by Lyn (new)

Lyn (lyncote) | 1644 comments Mod
Ausjenny wrote: "I dont want to live in a sod house.
Im not sure I think a ranch house would be nice but then a cabin in the woods near a lake would be cool too. Not really a castle person."

I'm with you on that, Jenny. No soddies!

message 6: by Hannah (new)

Hannah Alexander (hannahalexander) | 59 comments Oh, goodness, no! Soddies, with bugs and snakes and....shudder!!!!!

message 7: by JanetTronstad (new)

JanetTronstad Author Tronstad | 2759 comments Mod
Well. I've lived in a ranch house in Montana (in area similar to Wyoming) and spent part of my childhood in a cabin in the Rocky Mountains (a real old-fashioned cabin where there were sometimes bears around and usually deer- my grandfather bought it a few years before I was born). So I'm going to stick with my castle as I've never done that.

message 8: by Ausjenny (new)

Ausjenny | 4959 comments It all depends on weather. I have lived in a limestone house and they are great. (living in one) I think it depends where the castle is. One that is well kept up and in a nice climate would work.
Oh Ever been to a governors house. I did see a few in America but I have to say Government House in South Australia is wonderful its large but practical made with limestone or sandstone with really thick walls about a foot wide and in summer its so cool winter it needs the fires to keep it warm (like here). The house has large rooms and was so cool and beautiful gardens.

Oh I always wanted to live in a house with an attic.

message 9: by Hannah (new)

Hannah Alexander (hannahalexander) | 59 comments I agree. Weather is everything. I love to spend a lot of time outside, so when it's snowy, I can't get out and I get depressed. Give me sunshine and weather between 50 and 75 and I'll be happy in a tent--as long as there's a soft mattress inside.

message 10: by Ausjenny (new)

Ausjenny | 4959 comments Oh Im a little more fussy. 50 is to chilly for me. thats winter weather here. 65 - 85 suits me so much better.

message 11: by Hannah (new)

Hannah Alexander (hannahalexander) | 59 comments LOL. I think I want to move to Australia. Do you have good hiking trails--I mean ones without dangerous crocs?

message 12: by Paula-O (new)

Paula-O (kyflo130) | 2257 comments Janet we always want what we don't have or have had, something different...I have dreamed of a log cabin but one of the newer ones with plenty of modern things. in the country near a lake or a creek, would be heaven to me..I will visit Janet in the castle tho..

message 13: by JanetTronstad (new)

JanetTronstad Author Tronstad | 2759 comments Mod
Oh, Paula-O, and I'll come visit you in your cabin! Variety is good.

message 14: by Paula-O (new)

Paula-O (kyflo130) | 2257 comments JanetTronstad wrote: "Oh, Paula-O, and I'll come visit you in your cabin! Variety is good."


message 15: by Dorothy (new)

Dorothy Clark | 1393 comments A log ranch house in Montana. I even designed one when I was in the fourth grade. That was my 'cowgirl' period and my dream was to marry a cowboy and live on a horse ranch. The closest I came to that dream was my husband's bowed legs! LOL. As for weather...I'm from western New York, cold doesn't bother me as long as I have a fireplace and a furnace, that is. : )

message 16: by Melody (new)

Melody | 2493 comments Is there even a doubt among any of my friends here that I would pick a castle??? :)

message 17: by Hannah (new)

Hannah Alexander (hannahalexander) | 59 comments Okay, do you have the energy to clean that castle? Ugh. And having people invade my home once a week to clean, that's too much. I want something snug and cozy and cheap. ;-)

message 18: by Lynsay (new)

Lynsay | 54 comments I'd have to go with the castle in France. It'd be fun to explore and I'd have a huge library like the one in Beauty and the Beast.

message 19: by Lyn (new)

Lyn (lyncote) | 1644 comments Mod
You're all funny. I live in a cottage on a lake in a forest, my husband's dream place. It's funny I've always loved large Victorian homes with many floors, gingerbread decoration, wrap around porches, hardwood floors and crown molding. It's funny because I never once even looked at one whenever we moved.

Why do you think I never even tried to live in a house style I loved!

message 20: by Paula-O (new)

Paula-O (kyflo130) | 2257 comments Love reading all the dream homes here, Melody yes I can relate to you and a castle...
Lyn yours sounds so good and I too wonder why you never pursued that dream home, maybe just letting hubby make the choice huh??

message 21: by Valri (new)

Valri Western | 964 comments Yes, you are all funny! Like we can control weather and vermin and such! One thing for sure, we are all MODERN women!!!! I've visited castles in France - not my thing! Too big, drafty and cold! Not really a fancy ball person either! I'd love a cabin in the woods but chopping all that wood for a fire would get old, I'm sure and plucking chickens for dinner - no way, no how! I'd like a modern cabin though :)

message 22: by Melody (new)

Melody | 2493 comments I like the Beauty and Beast library Lynsay! I would want that too, and a ballroom, with a closet full of fancy gowns... And shoes... ;)

message 23: by Hannah (new)

Hannah Alexander (hannahalexander) | 59 comments Yes, Valri, I've experienced some of that plucking--first killing--chickens and preparing them for freezing or for dinner. Gardening--hard on my back, though many love it. I've had enough of a taste of history from my rural parents to know outhouses are not fun, and I like running water and electricity. There would be no time to write if not for our modern conveniences.

message 24: by Valri (new)

Valri Western | 964 comments My husband knows, I am NO camping gal!!! He wishes I were! I love the outdoors --- from a cabin window :) I just need a comfy bed, running water, hot shower, electricity and a toilet! But I do love the mountains or a beach or whatever is outdoors but I wont STAY overnight outdoors!

Melody, by all means, THE SHOES!!!!

message 25: by Penny (new)

Penny Richards | 97 comments I'm all about the cabin in the woods. Preferably with a creek flowing nearby. I love my shade and my quiet

message 26: by Winnie (new)

Winnie Griggs (winniegriggs) | 235 comments I love those old victorian homes with the fancy gingerbread scrollwork, large porches that wraparound, roofs that are anything but symmetrical, and maybe a turret shaped room. It would have to be set in a place with a moderate climate, though, if we are talking about historical setting since I wilt pretty quickly in the heat

message 27: by Nina (new)

Nina | 42 comments em, A Cabin in the Woods? I would read a book just because of this title, sounds very interesting!

message 28: by Christine (new)

Christine Johnson | 1102 comments How fun! I'd love to try them all for a short time. May we? Perhaps we could all get together in that castle for a grand ball on a warm summer's day and then traipse on over to the ranch house in the early autumn for a horseback ride with some incredibly handsome cowboys. I'll save the cabin in the woods for the spring, with the snow all gone and the lady slippers in bloom. Lyn, you know that glorious time of year, and since it's fiction, we'll get rid of all the biting insects and sip tea while looking over a beautiful lake.

message 29: by Christine (new)

Christine Johnson | 1102 comments Winnie wrote: "I love those old victorian homes with the fancy gingerbread scrollwork, large porches that wraparound, roofs that are anything but symmetrical, and maybe a turret shaped room. It would have to be ..."

Yes, a turret! Wouldn't that be wonderful. Add a secret passage into a hidden attic filled with treasures, and I'm in!

message 30: by Valri (new)

Valri Western | 964 comments Christine, I'm with you - let's try them all! Why be stuck with just one! Where's the adventure in that!?

message 31: by Lyn (new)

Lyn (lyncote) | 1644 comments Mod
Paula-O wrote: "Love reading all the dream homes here, Melody yes I can relate to you and a castle...
Lyn yours sounds so good and I too wonder why you never pursued that dream home, maybe just letting hubby make ..."

No, Paula. I guess it was about $$$. :-)

message 32: by Lyn (new)

Lyn (lyncote) | 1644 comments Mod
Valri wrote: "Yes, you are all funny! Like we can control weather and vermin and such! One thing for sure, we are all MODERN women!!!! I've visited castles in France - not my thing! Too big, drafty and cold!..."

Yes, Valri, I like indoor plumbing & insulation!

message 33: by Valri (new)

Valri Western | 964 comments LIKE!!!

message 34: by JanetTronstad (new)

JanetTronstad Author Tronstad | 2759 comments Mod
You know, I got to thinking that one of my fantasy places to own would be a high-end penthouse condo right next to Central Park in New York city. One of those with a doorman and lots of big windows to look out at the park.

message 35: by Hannah (new)

Hannah Alexander (hannahalexander) | 59 comments Well, if we're breaking out, I want a beach house. I want it set up into the hillside below Highway 1 on the coast of California, far from the crowds. Yeah, right, like that's going to happen in California.

message 36: by JanetTronstad (new)

JanetTronstad Author Tronstad | 2759 comments Mod
Oh, yeah, Hannah! I'd love the beach house, too -- I sometimes look at real estate pictures of those kinds of places. The views are spectacular!

message 37: by Hannah (new)

Hannah Alexander (hannahalexander) | 59 comments Yes, and I grew up near the sea, so I miss it terribly here in the Midwest.

message 38: by Melody (last edited Sep 18, 2013 01:35PM) (new)

Melody | 2493 comments I already have the shoes Valri, just need the room in the castle for them. Hahaha ;)

I would love a beach house too. Where I can watch the sunsets! I love sunsets!!!

message 39: by Valri (new)

Valri Western | 964 comments I grew up near the beach in Calif. I love Calif.! I always wanted a beach house until a saw too many of them going INTO the beach during storms or earthquakes! But, I still would love to have a beach house anywhere so I can watch sunsets! Melody, are you game???

message 40: by Hannah (new)

Hannah Alexander (hannahalexander) | 59 comments How about we build a ranch-style castle into the cliffs far above the beach, but close enough for us to walk down. This would protect us from bad storms--not many in CA anyway--and we'd have those sunsets, that sea air...wait a minute...I always had earaches when we went to the beach. Oh, who cares? I LOVE the ocean. Let's make it big enough so all of us could live there.

message 41: by Valri (new)

Valri Western | 964 comments Perfect, Hannah! It will suit all of our needs!

message 42: by Hannah (new)

Hannah Alexander (hannahalexander) | 59 comments Can't help dreaming. Somewhere near Big Sur, where we can also be in the redwoods.

message 43: by Paula-O (new)

Paula-O (kyflo130) | 2257 comments JanetTronstad wrote: "You know, I got to thinking that one of my fantasy places to own would be a high-end penthouse condo right next to Central Park in New York city. One of those with a doorman and lots of big window..."


message 44: by Valri (new)

Valri Western | 964 comments Janet, just having been in New York City recently, I would have to have a driver too! I loved Central Park but the rest of the city is crazy! I needed my space by the time I left there! I couldn't live there permanently - I wanted my mountains, rivers and forests back in Oregon! It was great to visit though!

message 45: by JanetTronstad (new)

JanetTronstad Author Tronstad | 2759 comments Mod
I love to visit New York,too, but I've always said it would be hard to live there unless I was rich and could live by Central Park!

message 46: by Valri (new)

Valri Western | 964 comments The humidity got to me also!

message 47: by JanetTronstad (new)

JanetTronstad Author Tronstad | 2759 comments Mod
Yeah, in the summer that would be a problem.

message 48: by Cathy (new)

Cathy (littlemom) Lyn wrote: "What type of home in history would you or or wouldn't you have liked to live in?

A cabin in the woods for me, maybe by a lake or creek. That's my dream to have a log cabin in the woods.

message 49: by Dorothy (new)

Dorothy Clark | 1393 comments Lyn wrote: "You're all funny. I live in a cottage on a lake in a forest, my husband's dream place. It's funny I've always loved large Victorian homes with many floors, gingerbread decoration, wrap around porch..."

I know why I wouldn't live in one...I couldn't even afford to curtain all those windows! And cleaning all those rooms...uh, uh. I would love to write in one of the turret rooms, however!

message 50: by Melody (new)

Melody | 2493 comments Yes, so game Valri!!! :)

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