
Author Rachel Hauck & Her Adventure into Ebooks & a Giveaway! — 34 Comments

  1. Im late in posting but have to say I love the look of this book. I have read a few of Rachels books and have loved them. I first came across Rachel on her blog Christmas several years ago when she was doing a 12 days of Christmas.

  2. Love Rachel’s books. She’s a wonderful writer and I’m always sad to finish one of her books. It’s like leaving old friends. That’s why I don’t get her books at the library. I buy them so I can visit again and again.

  3. Hey all, thanks so much for stopping by! How fun! I was talking to Lyn about this book, realizing I wrote it 9 years ago and haven’t edited or “fixed it up” since.

    So, if you choose to read it, just know it was a sweet romance written years ago. LOL.

    I’ll draw a name this week and Lyn will announce the winner. Blessings to all!!


  4. Rachel, your book sounds interesting. I know that I have read your books and have always enjoyed them! Also looking forward to seeing you at the ACFW conference in September and enjoying your worship music!

  5. I love Rachel’s writing and would be thrilled to win a free book! Very cool about your e-book getting a boost with the advent of the readers.

  6. Would love to read Rachel’s book. Love reading, so much to read, need more time, lol. Would love to win the book for sure. Glad to find out Lyn’s is going into E-book. It is worth having out there. So many great story tellers, since i cannot afford a vacation, it is like a vacation taking a trip through these books, you feel like you are there and going through these experiences. Some good some exciting some fearful, lol, but all ending up happy. Many thanks to all the great authors out there. Juanita Wickey

  7. Thanks, Lyn, for having Rachel today. I read about this on the loop and must say I’m a newbie to the e-booking. One never knows, even a “traditional-publishing minded” person might change…smile~!

    I’d love to read Rachel’s book, and wanted to let you know, too, that I’m the woman coming with Sherry from the Blue Belle in St. Ansgar to the ACFW conference. Looking forward to meeting you .

    Gail Kittleson

  8. I am ALWAYS in the market for free books!!! Reading is my passion…I do so hope we can still read good books in Heaven….margie at mijares dot net

  9. Wow! YOu really were a pioneer in the e-book field, Rachel. I love the cover–reminds me of the old time serials at the movie theatres.

  10. If you haven’t read any Rachel Hauck, get started! I have been reading her books as I am able since her first Heartsong, and I’ve never been disappointed. She has deep, rich characters and journeys that make the books hard to put down. I just downloaded this book (This Time) on my Kindle and am looking forward to it.

    Thanks, Lyn, for hosting this interview. ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Rachel is one of those authors that I have LOVED getting to discover. She is one fantastic storyteller.

    Thanks for the entry!


  12. Hey all,

    Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment! I have to remind you this was my first book…. ๐Ÿ™‚ But Writer’s-Exchange took a chance on me. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I’ll enter all y’all in the contest drawing. Thanks so much for stopping by Lyn’s blog. Lyn, thanks for having me!!


  13. Would love to win this! I’m not familiar with Rachel, but have just bought her ebook to take camping next week. My Kindle, the new 3″ sleeping pad, bug juice and a whole week to read, read, read in the redwoods!

  14. I’ve seen Rachel around the web and I’d love to read her ebook. Love the ebook venues and I hope you both find wonderful success using them. You’re right, Lyn this is a crazy time for authors. Thank you for this opportunity! ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. Rachel it is always good to hear about authors with good stories and yours look like just the type of book I would like to read, will definately write your name down to watch for when I am at library next, If I were fortunate to win in the drawing I would pass it on to other so your stories would spread. thanks for sharing on Lyn’s site today..Paula(

  16. I read Love Starts with Elle and LOVED it! I know I would enjoy another from Rachel. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thanks for hosting her today, Lyn!

    charactertherapist (at) hotmail (dot ) com

  17. It really is an interesting time to be a writer. What will be next?

    Thanks for the chance to win!
    Have a fantastic day!

  18. My great-nieces were kind enough to introduce me to 21st century technology but, as I don’t own any, a win of Softly and Tenderly would be passed along to them.

    Best wishes to Rachel w/ regard to This Time and to you w/ regard to your e-book adventure.

  19. You know, I’m friends with Rach, but I never knew about this book! Huh…gonna have to check it out! And I’d love to win because Softly and Tenderly is one book by Rachel I don’t have!

  20. Please enter me in the drawing for this book! I will have to look for “This Time”

  21. Glad to hear from all of you. I did an endorsement for one of Rachel’s books so I can vouch that her books are GREAT.

  22. I am a librarian and I don’t recall having any of Rachel’s books but would love to enter for a chance to try a new author. One of our most requested books are the ones we classify as “Inspirational”; romances and mysteries that are wonderful reads but are not graphic in language or sexuality. We are, for the first time, also trying e-books in our library and I am excited to see how they are received. Many people still love to hold the book in their hands!
    Best luck, Rachel…I wish you continued success!

  23. I checked out Rachel’s books, and I realize I haven’t read anything by her either. Would love to win Softly and Tenderly/$10 GC. Thank you.

  24. I haven’t read anything by Rachel Hauck..she is a new author to me. I would love to win a copy of her book, Softly and Tenderly, plus a gift certificate. I am looking forward to reading Rachel’s books. Thank you for doing this giveaway. It is a good way to introduce your books to new fans!



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