Author Amy L Harden & If It’s Not All About Me….
The TRUTH about I AM…
God has been wooing me with simple TRUTHS all of my life.
He has blessed me greatly throughout, giving me a mother and father, a home circumstance that could be portrayed as quite “Beaver Cleaver”….a circumstance that this proud human almost lost through her selfishness, pride and resistance to the molding and refining fire the Almighty perpetually thrust her in. My stubbornness and resistance to God’s plan has not only frustrated my parents and siblings; my husband, children and friends…but the Father, Himself. I have visions of Him slapping his forehead, shaking His head in disbelief or dissatisfaction; and at times picking up a 2×4 with my name on it to smack me across the back of my head.
I am a stubborn child!
My Aunt Muriel read me a story when I was child called “Pando Nombus”; a story about a boy who didn’t use his common sense. He innocently went about his day trying his best, but not quite getting it right. After each failed task, his mother would reprimand him saying, “Pando Nombus, PANDO NOMBUS! Ain’t ya got the sense you born with?!” I believe God would say this over and over again to me…”Amy…AMY!! Ain’t you got the sense you were born with…” The only thing God would add is…”It’s not about YOU, dear one…It’s about ME!”
I am innocent and…sometimes…a naive child!
My confirmation scripture was: “And surely I am with you always, even unto the end of the age.” Matt 28: 20 (KJV)
When I was a teen my greatest FEAR was being alone or dying. I went through a period of time when I was scared to fall asleep at night. After several sleepless nights, my father handed me my Bible; telling me that the words would comfort and give strength…holding off the fear. He read the scripture in Matthew reassuring me that this is Christ’s eternal promise to all of us! I fell asleep that night…waking rested and knowing the TRUTH of Christ’s promise.
I have turned my back on the Father more than once during my life.
When in college, I was tempted and acted badly resulting in guilt and shame…the burden so heavy that I attempted to take my life. I am saved!
My first marriage, I was abused. I am saved!
I was told I would never have children. I am a mother of five.
I shook my fist at God when my father died. I am comforted.
I turned my back on my family and marriage resisting the changes in my mid-life season. I ran…escaped…squandered money and rolled with pigs. God pursued me…brought me home…
I am saved!
While lost and walking through the valley of shadow, God called me to help those who are also lost during these times. He revealed my purpose.
I am an undeserving child the Father continues to forgive. My strength and bravery is NOT my own…God is my strength…Christ is who makes me brave.
It is not about me…it is ALL about Him!
I humbly know the simple TRUTH…He blesses me with His presence always.
I am saved!
Note: I hope to reveal these lessons in all my blogs, web sites, forums and social networking and ultimately the characters in my novels when released. My characters and books, fiction or non-fiction are studies in how all humans need a relationship with the Father…that He is present even when we don’t acknowledge His presence….or even deny His existence.
Please go to to find my blogs, links to my forums and other mid-life blogs.
Thanks, Amy. I think in spirit, I may be your twin! Anybody else? –Lyn