
Lyn Reviews plus asks a Question — 18 Comments

  1. Oh, dear, Donna! I guess you aren’t going to be doing many audio books. It’s interesting that we all have different ways of processing info. You’re probably a visually learner.

  2. As my mother said it goes in one ear and out the other. I either get distracted or just don’t retain the story in audio form. I will listen to a book when driving if I’ve read it before

  3. I love audio books! I listen to them everywhere – while driving, doing chores, even working (sometimes lol).
    I prefer human narration. I tried virtual voice and it lacks the feelings and emotions. Just didn’t work out for me; although, I must say, it also depends on the narrator (sometimes they lack it too).

  4. I haven’t listened to any audio books. I tried to listen to the example, but for some reason it wouldn’t play so I could hear it. I have a Kindle Fire, but I need a book or my Fire to help my concentration and eliminate distractions. I enjoy your newsletter. Thanks!

  5. At this time I am not listening to ebooks. My mind tends to not stay focused and I have trouble keeping the story straight. I prefer paperbacks but due to no longer being able to read most printed materials I have gone to ebooks. I can change fonts/size as my eyes need.

  6. I love audiobooks. The like the virtual voice voice but I wouldn’t say I like the long pauses between sentences. I like my audiobooks read a little faster. I don’t know if that can be adjusted when you actually buy the book.

  7. I tried them but don’t like them. They are boring because it’s the same voice, no inflection at all, no difference between man, women or children, just one voice droning on and on. If AI could narrate books to include all the different voices and reactions, then I might try them.

  8. I downloaded the Kindle app onto my IPad and IPhone. Both devises can read the books with Alexa. Alexa is not a box on your kitchen counter, it is an app. Download Alexa onto your IPad and IPhone and have Alexa read your book to you. I listen to books while cooking and in the car. I do not buy Audiobooks but have Kindle Unlimited. I have heard one book with the virtual voice and wasn’t a fan. Alexa sounds better to me.

  9. I do listen to audiobooks. I don’t know about the new virtual voice though. I am willing to try most anything once to see how I feel about it though.

  10. I do listen to audiobooks. I have a Fire that I listen to books on when in the car or doing chores. I love the option to then continue by reading when I can. I hope this option doesn’t end anytime soon, either.

  11. I do not listen to audio books. Many years ago, when I traveled for work, I used to try to listen to books on tape (yes, I’m telling my age) My mind seems to have a mind of its own, and I would find myself having to constantly rewind the tape because I missed a bunch of the story due to my mind wondering off…lol. I only read books on my kindle.

  12. I listen to audio books every afternoon as I work in garden or other housework. Enjoy most narrators and was very pleased with a recent AI narration. Found there are some authors work I enjoy in audible format but not in written . I also read for 3 hours in the early morning and again at bedtime for 2 or more hours. Infact, if not for audio books I probably wouldn’t get much housework done!

  13. I have not listened to any audiobooks yet, but am not opposed. At present, it is not convenient for me to listen to books. I prefer guy to read print books.

  14. I have not listened to any audiobooks yet, but am not opposed. At present, it is not convenient for me to listen to books. I prefer to read print books.

  15. I’ve never listened to audio books – I find that my mind wanders to much, so I prefer reading. (I also don’t listen to podcasts for the same reason.) My Kindle is always full of new reads!

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