
Lyn Asks the October Question — 12 Comments

  1. Pingback:Where Do You Buy Your Print Books? -

  2. I like the print books better. I have trouble seeing the small print in the e reader even when it’s magnified. Besides I like the feel of the book in my hands.

  3. I love ebooks because they are so easy to take anywhere. Plus a great ebook Tablet (I have a 64 Gb Samsung Tablet and plan to upgrade to the 512 Gb that is coming out soon!) doubles as a laptop which I always took on trips and television to watch any TV show or movie wherever you want. A great tablet can also can be used to play games. It can be used for work, etc. Back before ebooks came out I had to pack a lot more. Then I switched to ebooks. Now when I pack to go on a trip, I don’t need to pack an extra bag for my books and one for my laptop. I have always read at least 2 or 3 books per day so ebooks were a godsend for my lifestyle. I remember my best friend always teasing me that my bag of books were always envited on every trip we ever went on so I would have something to read on the plane, train, automobile, etc. She died just over four years ago and I miss her every day. I know she’s looking down on me shaking her head saying why couldn’t ebooks have come out a lot sooner….. then our baggage would have been so much lighter. Now since I’m disabled and can’t work I spend most of my time reading and average about 5 or 6 books per day. Sometimes, I will read 1-2 books just waiting in the doctors office. Also, books are a lot heavier than my tablet so they are easier for me to handle. Therefore, ebooks are the perfect choice for me. However, I do love audiobooks to listen to while driving since its impossible to read and drive at the same time.

  4. I have switched to E-books in the last couple of years, due to having arthritis in my left hand, it makes it difficult to hold the books now. I still do enjoy a paperback occasionally. But I kind of like being able to take my entire bookshelf with me when I go anywhere that I have to wait. There is always a book I am working on!

  5. I love e-books because I carry my phone everywhere. I m a realtor and when I have 5 or 10 minutes to wait I can read. I would never have a real book at the right time. In the night I wake and then I grab my phone and read myself back to sleep. I don’t have to turn on a light and wake my husband. When I have lengthy waits at doctors’ offices or traffic jams -my books are always there to make the time fly by.

  6. I enjoy print books on a lazy afternoon, but if I only read on lazy afternoons I wouldn’t read much. In my hectic life (now that I’m retired) I can take my kindle or other device with me everywhere, and pull it out whenever I have to wait a little. I pick up right where I left off, no hunting for my page. When I come to the end of a book I have a few more books right in my hand. No need to haul around 2 books just in case. Of course if I have a print book I can dust it every so often.

  7. I prefer to read printed books. I love the feel as I turn each page, waiting to see what happens next. I have never used any e-reader as they are to costly and I am on a very limited budget. How ever I am running out of room for books, so an e-reader may be convent for saving space.

  8. I much prefer e-books. The reason is they are easier to read. You don’t have to bother with lighting issues and also because it is easier to just carry an e-reader around, giving you access to the next book on your list. In addition, when I want to read a new and popular book, I borrow it via Libby from the library and it is sent to my e-reader, which is much easier than going to the library, etc. E-books for me is the way to go!

  9. I actually prefer the ebooks! When I finish a book and it is around nine o’clock in the evening I can order the next book in the series and continue reading. Also can enlarge print etc as needed! It is such a convenient way to get my books.

  10. I prefer reading print books for a few reasons. First, and maybe most important is that I don’t want to be addicted to screens. Every study that has come out has shown that to be extremely unhealthy. I don’t need more screen time in my life, I need less.
    Secondly, I am a teacher. I want to model reading rather than staring at screens, for my students. I want them to know that their teacher devours books. I want them to see books sitting all over the house. I want them to catch me reading when I have free time. How are the kids to know that I am reading books if I am just staring at a screen like everyone else does?
    Third, most of the time I get to read is done as I’m going to bed. First in the bathtub, then in bed. As I’m winding down for the night, I need to be relaxing, not getting more alert. All the things I’ve read about insomnia – something I have struggled with at times – say to avoid screens for a while before bed and to absolutely keep them out of your bedroom!
    Fourth, my true recreational reading time is when my husband and I go to the YMCA, swim laps for a while, then spend time sitting in the hot tub reading books. A little splash of water isn’t going to destroy my book. It might, however, destroy my electronic item. If I slip up and drop the book into the water (never happened, but it could), it still might not even make the book unreadable! And at the worst, I’d have to pay maybe $10 to replace a library book. An expensive electronic would be much more painful to have to replace if it got wet!
    Yes, I know that print books are more expensive. I can get tons of e-books for free. I’m still sticking with print books. I use the library heavily, I use thriftbooks heavily, I beg for thriftbooks and amazon gift cards for holidays, I put nearly all of my discretionary spending money into books each month.

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