Author Donna Fletcher Crow & Her Take on Strong Women
This is Author Donna Fletcher Crow’s maiden voyage into Blogging! So give her a warm welcome. Here’s Donna on Strong Women:
“I love the title of this blog because Strong Women are so important for life and for stories. I believe women have always had to be strong for civilization to survive, but I have been in this business long enough (30 years) to remember when strength was not the primary characteristic portrayed by fictional women. Heroines were supposed to be sweet and let the hero rescue them. They were also a lot younger than today’s more mature heroines. In the early 80’s a nineteen-year-old heroine was quite acceptable for an adult romance, although even then I found them hard to identify with.
Strong women are not only more true to life and more interesting to read about they are also far easier to write about. I made that mistake initially when writing A VERY PRIVATE GRAVE, book one in my Monastery Murders series. Felicity Howard, my American heroine, is studying at a theological college run by monks in a monastery in Yorkshire when her favorite monk is murdered. Because much of the story (minus the murder) is modeled on my own daughter’s experience I started out with a sweet, agreeable Felicity. It didn’t take me long to realize this wasn’t working.
Felicity is now rash, headstrong and stubborn. (And, yes, those qualities can be attributed to my daughter, too.) Felicity’s rashness gets her into many exciting and even dangerous scrapes running across northern England and Scotland chasing and being chased by murderers. Only a strong woman could survive those escapades with humor and grace.
But perhaps most important is the fact that Felicity’s best characteristics are also her worst characteristics and that gives my character lots of room to grow.
Praise for A Very Private Grave:
“History and mystery and murders most foul keep the pages turning. . . A fascinating read.”
–Liz Curtis Higgs, bestelling author of Thorn in My Heart
To learn more about The Monastery Murders:
To follow Donna:
To pre-order A Very Private Grave, UK June release:
To pre-order A Very Private Grave, US Sept. release:
For Donna’s backlist:
I’m so happy that Donna chose my blog for her debut in blogging. If you want to hear something sweet to the ear, drop by her delightful website and listen to the Gregorian chant. Lovely. Thanks so much, Donna. Hope you sell GAZILLIONS!”–Lyn