
Author Renee Ryan & Rahab’s Example–& a Giveaway Too! — 17 Comments

  1. Thanks, Renee, for being my guest and giving away a copy of your latest. You're a sweetheart!

  2. Courage to me is having the guts to choose the right, and to follow the Lord's commandments, no matter the circumstances, or how hard it may be. I think of Joseph was courageous when he ran from Potipher's wife! He knew what was right, and running to some may look cowardly, but I see it like meaning he had enough courage and integrity to do the right thing, and fleeing the situation and temptation was how he accomplished that. He was imprisoned because he choose the right, and though it later all worked out for him, it had to have been very hard. Yet he never gave up his faith in God through all his trials. That to me is courage. 🙂

  3. Congrats Ariel, you lucky duck you!! Enjoy Dangerous Allies and let me know how it is ; )

  4. We have a winner. Drum roll…


    All I need is your snail mail address. Drop me an email at:

    and I'll get a copy of DANGEROUS ALLIES to you asap.



  5. Courage is what you do in the face of fear. Someone already mentioned Ruth. Talk about courage going to a foreign country and doing what your mother-in-law ask you to do without questioning why! I so would've have wanted to know why. Funny it was mentioned since I just read that story to the bible study group I teach on friday nights.

    The other one that comes to mind is Jonathan…David's best friend. Talk about unconditional love! Warning his friend about his father wanting to kill David and not worrying about what it might do to him. I love their friendship!


  6. Well good for her! Sounds much better off than me….lucky her!

    : /

    On top of it all I'm having some health related issues right now. Ah well, hopefully things get better soon.

  7. I define courage as something where you stand up for what you believe in even if theres no backing but your own the story that i think of the most is

    David and golith mainly because he did have courage to do something he was afraid to do but did it anyways because it was what he felt in his heart as being right

  8. Hi Hannah,

    My daughter is definitely settled in at college. She's even managed to call me everyday. Never would have expected that. 😉

    And, yes, Mary is the ultimate example of courage, especially when we consider her age!!!


  9. Hey Renee!
    Hope your daughter is settling into college okay….

    Courage reminds me of Mary. I think that she was extremely courageous to be confronted by an angel, who she didn't know not to be afraid of, told she would born a child that wasn't technically her own and all at age thirteen I believe? Scary….I mean she seems brave to me to have that much trust in God. You need to have courage to overcome the obstacles in your life. God can help you with it, but you need to trust in him. Thank you for reminding me of this today!

    Talk to you ladies soon!

  10. Oh, yeah, Lyn, you definitely move a heart — mine anyway. I really enjoy your stories. 😉


  11. The prophet was Nathan who confronted David with the story of the little pet lamb. I always use this to illustrate the power of "stories" to move a heart. That's what Renee and I do–we hope!

  12. I know this book is going to be good. I've read some of Renee's books and they all are good. Would love to read this one. Thanks for giving away a copy.

  13. Hi all,

    It's always good to be here. Linda, David is always a good example because, yes, true repentance requires courage. Good point!

    Hi Jaunita, I always love the story of Rahab because of how God used such a cracked vessel. Seems I always get something new out of her story.

    Ariel, I love the story of Ruth. Funny, I just reread her story yesterday. How's that for like minds????


  14. Ruth always reminds me of courage. She walked blindly with her mother-in-law to a country she knew nothing about and married a man she barely knew.


  15. Courage–the ability to do something with God's power even though you are afraid.
    King David comes to mind when confronted by the prophet (names escapes me)who confronts him about his sin with Bathsheba and the murder of her husband. He repented immediately.
    desertrose51yr at gmail dot com
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