First Page-An Appalachian Christmas-Author Irene Brand
Excerpt from Chapter One, page one:
Its driver whistling merrily, the antiquated bus climbed a hill into the small Kentucky town on a sunny September morning. With brakes squeaking and the engine groaning like a sick person gasping for a final breath, the bus eventually ground to a halt before a two-story building. Opening the door, the driver shouted, “Booneville. All passengers get off.”
Julia Mayfield gathered her bags, lifted her nephew, Bobby, into her arms, and exited the bus. In a voice harsh with frustration and fatigue, she asked the driver, “Is there any other public transportation available here?”
The driver pointed to a gasoline station across the street. “You might hire a taxi over there.”
Julia thanked the driver and walked toward the small building he’d indicated. She hadn’t wanted to take this trip. Now that the war had ended, she had plans for the future that didn’t include honoring her dying sister’s request.
Shifting Bobby to her left hip, Julia walked into the gasoline station. The only occupant of the building was bending over the engine of a car. When he became aware of Julia’s presence, the black-bearded man straightened, took off his cap, and spit a mouthful of tobacco into an oil drum. “Howdy, ma’am.” My name’s Alex. What can I do for you?”
“I need transportation to Mistletoe. The bus driver thought you could help me.”
Alex shook his head. “Fraid not, ma’am.”
“You have a sign in your window, ‘Taxi for hire.’”
“That’s a fact, ma’am,” he agreed. “I’ve got one taxi. A man rented it this morning and took off for Louisville. He won’t be back till day after tomorrow.”
“I can’t wait that long,” Julia persisted. “Is there another taxi stand?”
“Nope. Autos are scarcer than hen’s teeth around here.”
Click here to Irene’s website to see her book video of Love Finds you in Mistletoe Kentucky
More from Irene tomorrow!–Lyn
I appreciate those of you who stopped by to learn about my story about Mistletoe, Kentucky. God bless you for your interest.
Irene Brand
Julia did arrive in Mistletoe, but it "twern't" easy! I hope you enjoy the story. I loved writing it. IRene
Would love to get this book to find out what happens to her? Does she get to Mistletoe? Juanita W