Love Inspired Author Anna Schmidt & Her Love of History
Today a fellow Wisconsin author, Anna Schmidt, tells about her mother’s heritage.
“My love of history came down to me from my parents — especially my Mom. I truly think she would have been happy to have lived in an earlier time! At any rate although she had less than a high school education, she was an avid reader and loved (as I do) puttering around in antique shops and looking at items with an eye to who might have held them and used them before. She taught me that if we pay attention to what has gone before we can avoid repeating the same mistakes.
Clearly we are two generations of cock-eyed optimists!
But writing GIFT FROM THE SEA (my latest novel for Steeple Hill and the sequel to SEASIDE CINDERELLA) was a pure labor of love. The idea was to bring two people together who would have been natural enemies in the years of WWI — an American nurse and a German seaman caught my heart.
Believe me, my hero and heroine totally took over once I brought them onstage and the exploration of the question of forgiveness became the focus for the story and their ability to find love.
Disagreements between nations are really (IMHO) disagreements between governments. When we are brought face to face with another individual whose ideals, traditions and even faith differs from our own, each of us must decide — do I respect and value this person even thought his or her values and beliefs may differ from my own? And if I do then how to begin a dialogue that will lead to understanding and acceptance and true peace on earth. Blessings to you all.”–Anna Schmidt
PS: Hope you will watch my website “Stories of Challenges Met with Courage, Faith and Healing” for some exciting new opportunities to win free stuff coming later this summer!!!
Thanks, Anna, my own mother always stopped at any little town museum we passed through and I did the same for my children who also became lovers of history.
Anna has already sent me signed copies of both her books–SEASIDE CINDERELLA and its sequel GIFT FROM THE SEA–which will be included in my MEGA May gift basket drawing.–Lyn