
Lyn Asks the September Question — 8 Comments

  1. 1st grade I had a special friend that we would ride our bikes together to and from school and my parents would stand at the corner and watch us as we rode the six blocks to school. Then 2nd through 6th I was in boarding school and one of the parents would come to visit and bring all the puppets that went with Winnie the Pooh and act out the stories. Always a fun time when he would come.

  2. In grade 6 we had a teacher who read to us and we were reading Colin Theilie’s books. He was coming to talk to the grade 7s when he heard we were reading one of his books. He came to our class to talk to us and read a little of his book.
    (He wrote Storm Boy which some may have seen the movie off).

  3. I was in 9TH grade and had always wanted to be a nurse after winning the book telling the life story of Florence Nightingale. I talked to the school nurse who encouraged me by having me spend a study hall in her office helping her take temperatures. I joined the Future Nurse’s Club and was a member in 10TH, 11TH, and 12TH grades.I then went to a 3 year (33 months) hospital registered nurse program.That school nurse wrote to me every other week my entire time in training!

  4. I was in 6th grade when the first grade teacher didn’t show up and the substitute teacher hadn’t arrived. The principal came in and asked that I be excused to watch over the first graders until the substitute arrived. I felt very excited and honored to do this.

  5. Some of my fondest memories of elementary school is celebrating May Day. Each class learned a dance to share and then on May first we all gathered on the field and danced around the May Pole. The 7th grade got to wind the May Pole and we all looked forward to when it would be our turn. Happy times!

  6. Started out being on the swim team in high school…a real fish in the water – LOL. THEN, the school required ‘see thru top nylon swim suits’…Yikes, not for me!!! So, I switched to CHOIR and discovered I could sing and loved it! Added Concert Choir to Regular Choir as well as sang solos, duets ad trios in church. In college it was A cappella Choir…have enjoyed singing ever since and grateful I can still belt it out at 82!

  7. In first and possibly second grade, we were allowed to go home for lunch (yikes, yes I am that old!). It was obviously arranged that I would go to my grandparents’ home. I remember my grandfather, Papa, meeting me outside the school and walking me to his house, then once lunch was ended he walked me back to school. Alas, as is often the case, in my eagerness to ‘grow up’, I ruined this little bit of time with him by complaining that I was ‘old enough’ to walk myself. After than, although I continued to go to their home for lunch, I no longer had his company. I think back now, and wish I could stop that little me from complaining so I could have had all of that time with him!

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