
Who Named the Kitties? — 5 Comments

  1. No Lyn your not bad you did say they were kids.
    It does help to know the kids as our neighbours named there cats gizmo and horse. One after Gizmo from gremlins and Horse from a character in Footrot flats. there son was about 9 at the time.

  2. So many names, should print the list out in case I need ideas. The kittens right now are my wallpaper on my computer at work. They are adorable. Sounds like good names. A hard decision for you and yours for sure. Juanita W

  3. WOW! That is sooooo cool that you had that many participate, Lyn! I'm really not creative…lol. My sister named our old dog (Molly Belle Star Cerasoli) and the one we got after her (Madeline) and our cat (Buster Baxter)!! Lol…so as you can tell, I'm definitely not the creative one! However, these names…some of them were so cool!
    Congratulations to the winners, you deserve it for your clever names!!
    Talk to you soon, Lyn,

  4. thats so cool I had a cat called twinkle once only my brother was learing german and called it mitzi so it ended up with kitty.

    I like how the twins named them I was wondering what there age was cos what we as adults choose is so different. as a 5 year old I named our dog nip because of Nip in the readers we were reading.

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