What I’m Working on Now
As always I am busy writing. It’s what I do. Everyday. Right now I’m working on three projects:
I’m going over the comments from the copy-editor of the book which will come out in August, titled FRONTIER WANT AD BRIDE. What does that mean–copyeditor? A copyeditor goes over the manuscript after the editor who does the content edit (giving comments about the story as a whole, characters, plot, etc) and the line edit where she makes corrections on the punctuation. Then the copyeditor reads it over for a final checkup–making sure there are no contradictions the editor and I might have missed, such as does the heroine have green eyes in chapter one and blue eyes in chapter five. This copyedit is due in another week so I’m going over it one more time–to get it all right!
While I’m working on the copyedit, I’m also thinking over my editor’s comments on my next book. I sent her a proposal with a plot and charcter explanation (the synopsis) and the first three chapters. My editor wants me to pick up the pace and concentrate on the developing relationship between the hero and heroine. In every romance, there is a pull-push dynamic between the hero and heroine. They don’t want to fall in love but the plot keeps pulling them back together. So I’ve got the conflict right, but other characters are intruding too much. So—I’ve got work to do.
Finally I’m thinking, thinking, thinking about the book after the book in #2. An author always has to be thinking of another book for her editor and for her readers.
So that’s what I’m writing now!–Lyn