Lyn Shares 12 Days of Christmas
Christmas Gifts for Readers for 12 Days!
Hey! Here’s a great holiday giveaway—The “12 Days of Christmas 12 Author Promo!” Each of the 12 Christian romantic suspense authors will offer an ebook free on their assigned day as a Christmas gift to readers! Now that’s a Christmas Extravaganza! Most of the books will be “Christmasy!”
Mine—Mistletoe and Sage, Season of Malice—will be Free on Dec 9th! Mine will continue free till Dec 13th, but most others will be free just on that day.
SO HOW CAN YOU ACCESS THIS 12 DAYS OF FREE ROMANTIC SUSPENSE BOOKS BY 12 AUTHORS, such as Robin Patchen, Lisa Phillips, etc? Just click here to see them all.
And if you’re bizzy (forgetful?:-) like me, a reminder would be good. Click this link and sign up for a daily email reminder, starting the 5th so you don’t forget! We may be too busy with the holiday to read all the books right away, but tuck them onto your e-reader for those after-holidays cozy reading times! Merry Christmas! Lyn