Need Help Choosing Another Cover Model or Two-Please!
FIRST MODEL: If you haven’t read my blog, titled “Can a Grandmother Be the Heroine of a Romance?” click here. And read about my new romantce-mystery, UNCERTAIN SPRING, which will have a grandmother as the heroine. (So glad many agreed with me!) It will debut in the spring 2021. Here are the choices of cover models.
Please tell me which one “draws you in” and makes you want to read more about her and what she’s thinking. Be sure to tell me why too. I like to hear reactions. When you leave a comment, you will be entered into a random drawing to receive a free ebook, Precarious Summer, Book 1 in the series.



SECOND MODEL: I’m also preparing to release a new romance earlier in 2020 so I need your help with a cover model. My heroine is the daughter of immigrants from Mexico and is a single mom. A real sweetheart! Here are the choices that I found: Which do you like?


