Time to Express yourselves! And How to Leave a Comment!
I really love writing this blog or I should say writing and hosting.
I enjoy the stories that other authors and some readers share here and I enjoy reading everyone’s comments! And I’m always happy when readers leave comments EVEN WHEN THERE ISN’T ANY BOOK BEING GIVEN AWAY!
This year I’ve presented 4 kinds of blog posts:
1-Author Interviews
2-Guest author sharing from her own life and introducing her latest characters
3-Book reviews
4-Informational posts
For #1-I started doing interviews last year, but I have added a few new questions.
#2 is the staple of this blog, the stories of strong women. This is the whole purpose of this blog.
#3-I love to read when I can find time between my writing obligations and I like letting you know about books I’ve enjoyed.
#4-I post blogs about matters I think people need to understand. I posted one recently on what to do when Google Reader goes away this July.
Would you rank the 4 types of posts in order of what you like. Put the one you like the most first and then in descending order.
If I were doing it, I would rank them thusly:
2, 1, 3, 4
Also in past years I’ve reviewed primarily romance novels. This year I’ve been reading a lot of cozy mysteries. Please let me know if this is okay with you. Do you enjoy cozy mysteries too? Want to know which ones I’ve enjoyed?
And this post serves as a #4 too.
This information is about how to leave a comment. Many readers on Facebook etc want to leave comments but don’t understand how.
Here’s the process:
a-Scroll to the bottom of the post till you get to the last line: Here’s the most recent example:

And that’s how to leave a comment.
Now please let me know what you’re enjoying most on this blog,
what you think about my reviewing mysteries and
also let me know if there is any author you’d like to see as a guest
Or if you have a new idea for a type of post. Thanks in advance!
If you leave a comment, I’ll enter your name into a drawing for an advanced copy of my next book, The Baby Bequest.” –Lyn
BTW, Don’t miss Amish Author Marta Perry who will share on Wednesday! Also everyone who left a comment last week on Eunice Loecher’s blog post will receive a free copy of her 1st mystery, THE WIDOW’S MIGHT! And Valri won Belle Calhoune’s first Love Inspired!