What is Your Most Treasured Memory of Your Children or Mother?
One More Chance to Reminisce
This is the last week of May, the month that I honor mothers and daughters on my “Strong Women, Brave Stories” blog. Today I want to share my most treasured memory of my children, in fact, I’ll share two.
I’d love it if you would share a treasured memory of your children too. If you haven’t been a mom, please share a treasured memory of your mother.
My treasured memory
takes place when we lived in Iowa. It was December and my son (around 7) and my daughter (around 4) had been invited across the street to a birthday party. Thirty years ago, everyone “dressed” for a party so I duded my kids in their Sunday best and winter coats and sent them off. In parting, I told my son to watch over his sister and bring her home safe.
Well, as mothers do, I got busy taking care of chores while they were gone. Finally it felt like time for them to be home. I looked out the window and was surprised to see that an unexpected snowstorm had started while I’d been busy.
Another glance out the window provided me with an image I’ll never forget. My son was walking backwards into the wind. His back was plastered with snow that was pelting him almost horizontally.
He had both arms outstretched around his sister who was huddled within them, facing him. They were inching their way home. The image of my son protecting his little sister (who was usually his rival) touched my heart. I will never forget it.
The second memory is just a glimpse in time.
Again it was winter and I woke in the night and as always went to check my children. My daughter (around 7) of course had lost her blankets. As I covered her back up, she said, “Thank you, Sweet Mama.”
Oh, my heart still stirs at that unexpected endearment.
Your Turn
Would you like to share a sweet memory of your children or mother. Here’s your chance. Take your turn.–Lyn