
Lyn Asks this Month’s Question — 7 Comments

  1. The assassination of JFK first. I was in my 2nd year of college. Hurricane David and 3 weeks later Hurricane Frederick (June, 1975, we had just moved to the Dominican Republic as missionaries when these came, considered the largest at that time) 9/11 Twin Tower attack. My husband & I were painting the outside of a client’s house. When we went inside for something, they had just occurred. We watched for a while but had to get back to work so were clued to the tv when we got home. The most memorable are JFK and the Twin Towers.

  2. I was only 3 when JFK was killed, but I remember watching the funeral on TV. I remember when RFK and Martin Luther King Jr were killed. At the time it didn’t make a big impression on me. Looking back now I just wonder at why people hate so much that they can do that. There were other history making events throughout my life, but I think the Challenger disaster really sticks in my head. I was pregnant with my third son going to the doctor when I heard the news. It’s always one of those life events that has stayed with me.

  3. I remember the moon landing. I was 5 and the whole school was watching it on a tv I think. All I remember was for a 5 year old it was the most boring thing to watch (sitting there not really understanding what was happening). I remember in grade 3 we use to listen to news ok maybe not us but the teacher did at lunch and I remember Watergate and also the end of the Vietnam war. I can remember 50 years ago when Cyclone Tracey hit Darwin Christmas day.
    I think One of the biggest events was the wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer I still remember the day she was killed. It was a Sunday for us around lunch time after church we had the tv on when the breaking news happen.

  4. I was a teenager when the Columbus Day storm hit in Oregon. I was sitting in the basement on a couch with my siblings watching the trees across the yard at the neighbors house. They were at least 75-100 feet tall. The wind was so bad that my mother made us go to the basement because she was afraid the trees would hit the house and do damage to it. The trees were bowing in the wind and I remember when they did uproot themselves and as they were falling we were all screaming. The trees only brushed the house and did no damage. Yet in our backyard an English Walnut tree completely uprooted itself. Although my dad put it back in place and covered it in dirt it didn’t bear nuts again until ten years later!

  5. I have memories of an uncle in the Korean War. My parents did not talk about it much in front of us kids (I was about 4 when it began). My uncle came home safe and sound and brought me a satin jacket from Korea, which I wish I still had. Of course, I remember Viet Names also.

  6. Two events stick out in my mind. The first is the killing of JFK. I heard about it as I was leaving the cafeteria at Blackburn College my freshman year. It was a Friday afternoon. I spent the rest of the afternoon in a classmate’s room listening to the details. The whole campus was glued to the televisions that week-end, including the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald. I now live in Ft Worth where JFK was shot and where Oswald is buried.
    The second event was the killing of Martin Luther King, Jr. I was listening to the car radio as I was leaving the salon where I’d gotten my hair done. This was a Thursday evening. The next day at work everyone talked about it. The city of Chicago was quiet that weekend. The normally busy freeways were practically empty. The following weeks brought riots in some of the black neighborhoods.

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