
“Plain People”–Amish, Amana, Shakers and Quakers–A Discussion — 12 Comments

  1. “Plain People” would be an interesting and enlightening read. I will enjoy reading it. Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy.

  2. Wow! Interesting. When I think about the Quakers, first thing that comes to mind is the man on the box of Quaker oatmeal. Also, they run schools, too. Supposedly, the Quakers run excellent schools. They have a few in the Washington DC Metro area. They’re called Friends schools.

  3. Hello Lyn,
    Marta Perry wrote Quaker ladies who traveled south during the Civil War to start a school for blacks on an island off Beaufort, South Carolina I live near here and didn’t know this. I like reading about the plain people they are just so peaceful and we need a break from a stressful world that we live in now. thus reading their stories helps. The history is so interesting thanks for sharing.
    I love to read all these authors listed -so I will be back

  4. I like reading about different Christians. Every point of view is interesting and the characters make the story.

  5. I enjoyed reading about the Quakers and what about them drew your creative interest, Lyn. With the way the Quakers were interested in changing the way the world thought about slavery, women’s rights, and other social mores and how they were ever ready to step forward and do what they could about changing those things for the better, it’s easy to imagine a lot of great stories about the Quakers. It’s great that you’ve gone a step beyond the imagining and have written those stories down for readers to enjoy.

    Darcie, I agree with you that young people learn more responsibility when they have chores and have to help with family work. I was raised on a farm and so grew up working in crops and packing in wood for the stove among many other chores. While I would have very often have rather been reading, I did learn that I could contribute and help out the family. A great way to grow up.

  6. The faith and courage exhibited by those women is truly amazing. Learning about our courageous forefathers always makes me contemplate the depth of my own faith, and wonder whether I would have exhibited such courage.

  7. What an interesting post. Marta’s comment was interesting too. I lived in Beaufort for 5 years and never knew that. I read all kinds of books and there for a long time I would only read plain people books. Mainly the Amish and Mennonite. But have read some about the Quakers too. Their culture are just quite fascinating to me.
    campbellamyd at gmail dot com

  8. I have not read about the Quakers, but always enjoy reading about different religions and there history. Your discussion was very interesting I want to read more about the Plain People and there customs.


  9. You know, there were two determined Quaker ladies who traveled south during the Civil War to start a school for blacks on an island off Beaufort, South Carolina. The Penn Center, devoted to the preservation of Gullah culture, is still on that site. We’ve visited several times, and I always come away in awe of the quiet courage of those two women.

  10. Hi Lyn,
    Enjoyed reading your comments about the Quakers. When I think about the Quakers, my first thoughts go to their involvement in the anti-slavery movement and their beliefs in equality. Years ago, while writing a series set in Lowell, Massachusetts, I learned about Prudence Crandall, a Quaker who started a school for African-American girls in Canterbury, NH. She caused quite a stir among the locals back then. Needless to say, I had to incorporate that information into the book I was writing. I’m sure your research into this recent series of yours has provided lots of interesting characters and I look forward to reading about all of them! ~Judy

  11. I really enjoy reading about the plain people because I can relate to their way of life and personal values, I was raised doing many of the jobs and task that they did. If more children were raised with these features and rules we would have more sincere and respectful individuals that were willing and able to work and be prosperous than we do now.
    Children would have the manners to respect other people, say thank you, yes mam and no sir to their parents and those older than themselves.
    More people would be working in their gardens to raise, prepare, and preserve the fruits and vegetables that they grew themselves. The economy would be better because everyone would have jobs and enough food to eat.I think their would be less teen and unwed pregnancies because the parents would always know where their child was, who they were with and what they were doing.
    Folks would be more healthy because they would be more active not just sitting about playing video games and watching tv. Children would know how to interact with other children. Adults would help one another when help was needed. The elderly would be taken care of because family members would be home and available to take care of them.
    The only thing I do not like about the plain people books is I do not always know what they are talking about or saying when their native tongue is used. It helps when their is a reference page with translations in each book.I am learning some of the words but their are a lot that I do not know and cannot figure out their meanings without a translation page.
    We all like to get “THANK YOUS” when you help someone or give them a gift.very few people use manners unless prompted to do so.

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