Author Danyelle Scroggins & The She-Ro in You
My guest today is Author Danyelle Sroggins. I discovered her through Shades of Romance. And as I read her post, I decided she’s my–OUR–kind of woman! Daneylle is offering a book GIVEAWAY, so remember to leave a comment. Here’s Danyelle:
“The She-Ro (She-Hero) in You
All my life I’ve thrived off action women who were able to make or be the difference in someone’s life. Normally, it is inevitably difficult not to build a drive to thrive at being the woman you admired, so I like many of you found myself striving hard to become that woman. In all my life adventures whether horrible, painful, or just plain ole’ bad, I found out that I just could not Wonder Woman my way over them or Bewitch myself out of life’s difficult situations. I also found out that I never needed a magical source or fictitious strength anyway because the source and strength of what I needed was always spiritual from the start.
So what are these spiritual sources that can propel one over mountains
of tribulations and wipe out the darkest of evils in spite of their strong chains of bondage and in one word with five letters and one word with four, I present to you FAITH and LOVE. Faith can produce Wonder in any Woman and can definitely give any woman all the power she needs to speak to any mountain that has positioned itself to block her, hinder her, or cover her from her goals, aspirations, or destiny; and it shall be removed! Love is the twinkle that can make a multitude of faults disappear, bound people who are miraculously connected, and be the motivational factor that causes us to become the She-Ro of every situation. Definitely my grandmother the late L.B. Ford and mother Helen Quaker Hall have been the prime example of women of faith and love and as I have witnessed the She-Ro in them, I too live a life of faith and one filled with love in order to be that same woman in the lives of my children, Raiyawna, Dobrielle, Dwight, Gabriel, and Reynard II.
To purchase, click here. Destiny’s Decision
In Destiny’s Decision, I present a woman who is filled with love
and has allowed her mustard seed of faith to produce the She-Ro who could expect goodness from the things she could not change, envelope the people around her in love, embark upon new directions, and embrace it all as a gift from God. So as you woman discover faith and love, you will discover the She-Ro in you and the omnipresent ONE who is able to keep you from falling and present you faultless will cover you in all of you endeavors. Be blessed and remember a She-Ro lies in you, and she was there when God created you.”–Danyelle
Danyelle Scroggins is the Assistant Pastor of New Vessels Ministries in Mansfield, Louisiana. She is Psychology major who is presently studying at Liberty University to achieve a Masters in Psychology and Minor in Biblical Studies. Danyelle is the author of Not Until You’re Ready, His Mistress or God’s Daughter, Destiny’s Decision, and The Power of Pain (eBook).
Find out more about Danyelle by going to
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Thank you, Danyelle. Your words are powerful and spirit-filled. Please leave a word of encouragement for Danyelle to be entered into her book drawing.--Lyn