
Shaker Author Ann H Gabhart Tells of Becoming a Mother at 17 & Finding Strength — 24 Comments

  1. I have given birth twice to my beautiful daughters. When I had my first child I had preeclampsia and was put in the hospital a month before she was born. Then I was sent home to be told to lay on my side because of my kidneys. I was induced two weeks after my due date. When she was born and I held her for the first time, all my pregnancy issues just didn’t seem to matter any more. I was holding a healthy, little baby girl and that was all that matter. Now she is a mother to a daughter and son whom I saw enter this world. My second daughter has three children. I also was there when her daughter was born and two weeks ago she had identical twin boys. So I’m blessed to be a mom to two daughters and a grandma to five grandchildren.

  2. So sorry you weren’t able to have children when you wanted to, Karen, but it is a blessing that the Lord has given you a great family to enjoy. I had a wonderful aunt who never had children, but who enriched my life so very much. I’m sure your nieces feel the same way about you. Good luck in the drawing.

  3. Ah, a cat lover. My sister is a cat lover too. I’m the dog lover in the family, but we had lots of cats on the farm where I grew up. Loved finding the kittens and watching them grow. Pets can definitely be blessings in our lives. Thanks for your comment, Angela.

  4. Hi, Rhonda. Thanks for sharing about your babies. 9 lb babies are big enough! My biggest newborn was 8 lbs. He was very cute too. Sounds like you traveled around trying out different hospitals. LOL. Glad you remember the good cuddling and are able to wave off the pain of getting them here.

  5. Thanks for sharing your childbirth experiences. Glad all your babies made it into the world safely. We struggle to give birth, but then we are rewarded with those beautiful babies. And to have a baby on Christmas Day must have been like a special gift.

    Always good to see your comments, Maxie.

  6. I’ve never given birth but got to witness two of my step grandkids being born. What a miracle!

  7. I’m so sorry you went through that ordeal giving birth to your first child. Glad you both were okay. I have not had any children after years of trying and than only later to have a complete hysterectomy. Guess it wasn’t in God’s plans for my hubby and I to have children. I am lucky to have a wonderful husband, mother, sister, brother-in-law and nieces in my life.
    Christmas in Harmony Hill sounds like a great story. Thank you for the chance to win a copy.

  8. Hello to Lyn and to Ann. So glad you are having Ann as your guest today Lyn. This subject is great. We all love our babies. I had my first a few months before I was 17. My mother was with me tho, my husband was at work. I was having labor pains for hours, then 3 min. ones for awhile. So called a friend and her husband, a cop, came and took mother and me to the hosp. With the siren going. Embarressed my mother I think. Well, after all of that it was many more hours before my Donna was born. In fact had been in labor so long they finally gave me something to get a little rest. I heard the nurses talking about a breech birth, but she turned right before being born. They used gas then to sedate me just before the birth. The hard part next was she was the only baby in the small hosp. and all of the nurses were carrying her around instead of bringing her to me. Then my sister came and fussed at them and they brought the baby to me.. The most beautiful little girl I had ever seen.The next was my son. I had to go 20 mi. to the hosp. Had pains all night but tho’t was gas from beans for supper. Pains were different, in my back. Got to Hosp. and doc said not nearly ready so go back home. Well, told mom no didn’t want to. Good thing for about an hour later returned to hosp. for his birth. (Again my husband wasn’t there, for was working in another town.)The easy one was the third, born on Christmas. Shorter labor and only one where water broke. No time for med before she was born. My special gift from GOD on Christmas Day. Then came the hard one. #4 was very late, like a month. Was having labor for several days. Doc gave me castor oil and expected me to call that night. Nope! Then gave me shots several times of the med to start you you into strong labor. It only stopped me. So, he finally had to put me in Hosp. and induce me. Still took long hours. When it was finally time for me to go to delivery room, he made the nurse leave the IV in my arm, afraid my pains would stop again.(they usually remove it.) Finally got my healthy, chubby, 9 lb 4 oz. baby girl. Praise GOD. You see a friend and wife that my husband worked with had just lost her baby when it was 2 wks. late,so I was really getting scared. This was the only one where my husband was present, tho , not in the delivery room. As for our pain with birthing, which they are keeping so many from having now, GOD said women would give birth with much pain because of Eve’s sin. Please put my name in to win this book. I need it to complete my shaker series.

  9. I am so sorry that you had such a traumatic birth experience, Ann.
    I have 3 daughters and had preeclampsia with all three. I had a c-section with my first. Then I delivered the other two naturally and they were both close to 9 lbs! It took me three hours to push them out. My husband was with me for all three births. I would have hated to do it alone. I agree that the pain was quickly forgotten when I was holding and nursing my special treasures from God!
    #1 was born in Charlottesville Va; #2 in Williamsburg VA; and #3 in Ft. Worth, TX while we were at Southwestern Baptist Theo. Seminary! would love your book!!

  10. I have never given birth. God did not bless me with children. He blessed me with lots and lots of cats. 🙂 I would love to win.

  11. Thanks for coming over to read my post, Paula. At the time, I just figured that’s how things were, and I guess they were that way at that hospital. Thinking back on it, I’m amazed at how very young I was and how somehow I got through all the challenges. The worst thing when I think back now is remembering how dirty my feet probably were. I’d been going barefoot all day and when I started having labor pains, the very last thing on my mind was washing my feet. I didn’t think about it until the next day when a nurse gave me a sponge bath and had to scrub on the bottoms of my feet. Embarrassment city! LOL

  12. Thanks for sharing your story, Wendy. It was very hard to not “push” when that baby was ready to find his way out into the world. Glad all your babies made it safely. My husband wasn’t in the delivery room for any of the births, but he was able to stay with me in the labor room for my second and third child. We were at a different hospital. But I was very lonely in that first hospital room. That was the first time I’d ever been in a hospital too. Lots of first for me that night.

  13. Interesting, Amy. Glad your baby and the other baby too had a safe journey into the world. “Salad tongs” obviously came in handy for you that night. 🙂 That’s interesting too about the Dutch not wanting to share that innovation. Seems a bit cold. Learn something new every day, Lyn.

  14. Thanks for sharing about your quick births, Nancee. Great to get the baby here without having to go through long labor. My second baby was that way. Thought she’d never make it out. The doctor would have had plenty of time to show up. But I was at a different hospital then and husband was encouraged to stay with me. Only 20 months later, but a totally different experience.

    Of course, the baby coming and having that wonderful child in our arms is the most important thing.

  15. I was so happy my dh was there. He said it was the most wonderful moments of his life!

  16. Thank you for featuring Ann today. What a story! Oh, how times have changed concerning childbirth. My first child was born immediately upon arrival at the hospital, so no time to be alone! Labor was induced with my second child because my doctor was afraid I would have her somwhere between home and the hospital. Two more daughters came into the world, each as quickly as the rest and it seems that my husband was always parking the car while they were born! He actually was on time in the delivery room with our fourth daughter. My children range in age from 42 to 26, and our hospital allowed fathers in the delivery room as far back as our first daughter’s birth. Epidurals were not an option like they are today, and those lovely birthing rooms weren’t either. One thing I can tell you, however, is at a time like that I would never have noticed my surroundings anyway, and after the birth of those 4 beautiful daughters my entire focus was on the happiness that a new child brought into my heart.

  17. My son was delivered by salad tongs, too, Amy. Did you know they were developed by a family of Dutch doctors I think in the 17th century. AND THEY DIDN’T SHARE THE METHOD–wanted to be the only ones!

  18. Yes, I have given birth twice. My water broke three days before my daughter FINALLY being born. And she broke my tailbone! I think of my son as my little miracle. I went to the hospital when I went to the hospital. The nurses said I came a little too early. They went ahead and had the doctor come to the hospital anyways. Shortly after he arrived, another mother came in needing an emergency C section. They said if I hadn’t come when I did, the doctor wouldn’t have been there and the mother and baby wouldn’t have made it. When I was into full labor a couple of hours later, the doctor realized that my son was in a certain posterior position that is worse than breech. My poor little guy was stuck and the doctor was getting worried. Finally, my husband says, “Can’t you get out them salad tongs and get him out?” (His way of asking about the forceps.) Well, that’s how my boy was born, pulled out with salad tongs. The doctor told me later that he almost didn’t get out in time. Scary!! Needless to say, God wanted two little special babies born that night.

  19. Yes, I’ve given birth 3 times. The first was 2 weeks early and the second 2 weeks late but the 3rd was 6 weeks early and our only boy. My doctor was off that weekend and the doctor on call for him was so late getting there that I too was told “don’t push”, do they realize how hard that is????? Well, needless to say by the time the doctor arrived I think he was only in the delivery room about 5 minutes and these deliveries too were before the husband could be in the delivery room during delivery. He was able to be in the labor room except when they were ‘checking’ me.

    Love your books Ann, I have all of the shaker ones and would love to win this Christmas one! Thank you for the chance.


  20. Hi Ann and Lyn, nice to see you two ladies together..Gee Ann you sure were not treated well at all at your first birth, wish that had been different for you.
    Even when I had mine in the 60’s fathers did not come into the delivery room, only personnel that worked with you and I was given a shot and awoke after the baby was born, knew little about the pains except first ones..
    I am liking the way they do now, except I think it should only be hubby in with new mama…
    thanks for sharing
    Paula O

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