Lyn Reviews Gail Gaymer Martin’s The Firefighter’s New Family
This post includes a book giveaway, so don’t miss the question below!
The Firefighter’s New Family by Gail Gaymer Martin
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Again Gail Martin is a very dear friend, but that doesn’t mean I can’t read, enjoy and review her books sincerely.
Again this isn’t the first of her books I’ve read either. Gail and I were unpublished together and I relish seeing how much she had accomplished and the good stories she has given her MANY readers.
The impetus that drives this story is the two main characters: Devon and Ashley. Devon is the firefighter of the title and Ashley is his neighbor. Both characters are immediately likeable and sympathetic–meaning I cared about them in the very first scene.
Both however have “baggage.” She lost her husband in Afghanistan and he lost his wife to depression and both have young children.
So if you like stories about good people dealing honestly with hard problems, you will appreciate this story! Well done, Gail!
If you’d like a chance to win my slightly read copy of this book, please leave a comment.
QUESTION: Why do you think women like to read stories about firefighters? And do you? Why or why not?
PS: Rita Navarre won a copy of Merrillee Whren’s SECOND CHANCE REUNION!
Firefighters seem to be bigger than life. they have a dangerous job and have the courage to save others. that is a big turn-on to women.
Yes, Nancy, we are praying for Gail and her husband too.
I think that most women are taken by a man in uniform that represents strength. I enjoy reading about heroes. Would love to win a copy of this book by Gail Gaymer Martin. She lives here in Michigan, and we’ve all been praying for her husband who has been gravely ill. Thank you for offering this giveaway, Lyn
Because we all need a hero, and firefighters make good heroes.
I think women read stories about firefighters because they like good hero images in their lives and people who will serve others.