Lyn Asks the August Question
(Bayfield WI)
Lyn Asks the August Question.
We’ve been very serious during this pandemic and turbulent time in our nation and world. So I decided—let’s do something fun!
Will you relate a FUNNY SUMMER memory or an endearing one? Let’s share a feel-good moment in time.
I’ll go first: When I was about eight years old, my parents took us on a road trip around Lake Michigan. At that time we lived on the western shore of that Great Lake. We drove up through Wisconsin to Upper Peninsual Michigan (the U-P) where they were building the Mackinac Island bridge (pronounce Mackinaw).
I remember standing on one of those round steps and looking through the binoculars to see them building this long bridge spanning the shore betweetn Upper Michigan and the Island. WOW. Then we took a ferry over to the Michigan “Mitten” or Lower Michigan and drove down stopping at ALL the wonderful fruit stands. Michigan grows delicious peaches, cherries, grapes and more–YUM! I can remember the juices dripping down my chin as my big brother and I chowed down! The bridge and fruit are what I recall and the time sitting beside my brother in my dad’s Chevy. 🙂
Lyn Asks the July Question and Also What about “Harry?”
(The view from my front porch–happy summer!)
My July question is: (NOTE: I discuss “Harry” toward the end.)
Have you come to any new realizations or truths over the past months, such as what is really important in life?
Or how can I make life better for myself and those around me?
I’m going to give that some thought myself. I think it’s a good question to ask from time to time. And now’s the time!
I’m writing a holiday novella, titled BENEATH NORTHERN LIGHTS, I’ve named my hero Harry. One of my critique partners objects and says it’s an old man name. My Harry is third in the line of Harry’s so it’s a family name.
So my second question is: Should I stick with Harry or change his name and if so, what? Remember I’ll be giving away ebooks to a few commenters.
And don’t forget, I’ve been writing hard and here’s my latest book.
Click here for more info.
Want to Win a Gift Card? Great Summer Reads?
You like books, right? Then head over to LitRing’s Splash Into a Series Giveaway which rewards one lucky reader with goodies like a Turkish cotton towel, a water bottle, and a $25 Amazon gift card, too! Get the details and your chances to win here
Lyn Reviews Charlotte MacLeod’s Something the Cat Dragged In
Something the Cat Dragged In by Charlotte MacLeod
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I love Professor Shandy and the Balaclava Agricultural College characters. Ottermole, President Svenson, Harry Goulson and so many more. This story begins with, of course, Edmund, the cat who brings in something to Mrs. Lomax (Professor Shandy’s cleaning lady). She thinks at first it’s a mouse but it’s really retired Professor Ungley’s toupee. This professor sadly will not need it any more. Charlotte MacLeod combines humor and murder once again in this intricate tale of political hijinx. Ms. MacLeod has gone to her reward but left behind a legacy of humor that still delights. (Warning: a few swear words included but mild by today’s standards–I just read them as blankety-blank. ‘-)
View all my reviews
Click here for more info or to purchase. PAID LINK
Lyn Asks the June Question
Every month I ask a question because I want to know what readers are thinking. So what’s my question for June, you may ask? Here it is:
Do you always finish a book whether you’re enjoying it or not? Or do you put it away? Or throw it against the wall? ‘-)What kinds of thing causes you to stop reading or dislike what you’re reading?
This should be very interesting to me as an author! I try to write books that stick to your fingers, meaning you find it hard to put them down. I like to write books that call to you when you do put them down. So think over the question and let me know your thoughts! BTW, I guarantee that the majority of my readers will be not be able to put my latest book down. Why not look at it and see what you think.
Thanks, Lyn
For more information
Lyn Reviews Deborah Raney’s Above All Things
Above All Things by Deborah Raney
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I’ve often reviewed Deborah Raney’s books. She is a friendly acquaintance but this is my honest review. Her books ALWAYS take a couple and throw the worst or most disruptive thing they could dread at them. So the emotions are raw and the struggles are real. ABOVE ALL THINGS follows this expected pattern. Evette is Judd’s expectant wife. They’ve waited for years for this blessed event to begin. But enter Judd’s past–one he never knew about. Through her characters, Deborah Raney faces and deals head-on with racial prejudice. Evette’s family is not going to be a help in this situation. And the birth mother’s family is not perfect either. This story is real. Do I recommend it? Yes, but the first part is hard to read. Evette’s hurt and pain are very real and painful to read. This book can help one dig into their own thoughts and pre-conceptions not only about race but also about facing hard realities with God.
View all my reviews
Click here for more information. Paid Link
Lyn Reviews Hannah Schrock’s The Amish Cradle in Honor of Mother’s Day
The Amish Cradle by Hannah Schrock
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I’m not a big fan of Amish fiction but I do occasionally sample one that’s a bit different. The style of this story reminded me of a storyteller sitting down by the fire and telling the story of the life of one Amish Cradle. At first I didn’t know if I’d continue the story or not. But the main character engaged my sympathy and attention and I read on. The story of a cradle made for one baby but used in successive families was very touching. And each family had a deeply moving story. So yes, I do recommend The Amish Cradle. Not just to fans of Amish stories but to anyone who enjoys a moving story of real life not just amid the Amish.–Lyn
PS: If you subscribe to Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited, this is free. If not, it’s 99cents—A BARGAIN!
Click on Paid Link for more info. Paid link.
Lyn Asks for Help Choosing a Cover Model or 2
My new historical novel JOURNEY TO PEACE will come out in June and I need help choosing a cover model. Here are the three choices. Please choose one and tell me why he catches your attention and causes you to want to read his story.
Did you notice a difference? This is the first time I’m using a male model for one of my books. The story is about twin brothers, Johnny and Callum McKuen. If you’ve read JOURNEY TO RESPECT, you’ve met Johnny. So what do they look like?
And believe it or not, I’m also trying to choose a model for the 3rd book in my new Northern Shore Intrigue series, FATAL WINTER. As you could guess from the title, someone dies in this romantic suspense title. Here are three choices for my cover model. Which one entices you to want to know her story?
As usual, a few commenters will receive free ebooks. THANKS–Lyn
Hope you are all safe and well
My husband and I are safe at home in Wisconsin. And I hope you are keeping safe too. I came across this series of videos focusing on prayer during the week preparing for Good Friday and Easter. I hope they will lift your spirit in this time of stress–God bless you and your loved ones and our nation.–Lyn